My Vision


Although Man lives on physical level but leads his life, i.e., thinks and behaves on mental level. If we reflect on the frame of mind of the society as a whole, we realise that most of us live under the burden of mental tensions.

Researchers in the field of medical science have found out that mental stress is largely responsible for both physical and mental agony. It is Nature’s law that a tiny flower bud you see on a tree blooms into a flower, that it attracts and delights everyone with its fragrance, freshness and colours and that it withers away after some time. The same holds good for our lives as well. When a baby is born it is lovely and charming but it too withers away in old age due to physical wear and tear. While one should have the tenderness and beauty of a bud in childhood, one should have physical liveliness and mental cheerfulness during the teenage years, youth and middle age.

One can, however, remain mentally cheerful even in old age despite the natural wear and tear and the consequent withering away of the body. Our mind can become tension-free and remain lively and cheerful from childhood till old age if it is imparted with an vision or appropriate attitude towards our life.


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