Sanskars (mental impressions)

Our mind is a sensitive energy and, therefore, it gets imprinted with sanskars or mental impressions right from the time we are in our mothers’ womb. A baby’s mind is influenced by its mother’s frame of mind, vision towards life and way of thinking. Furthermore, during pregnancy a baby’s mind is an integral part of the mother’s mind. After birth, a baby’s mind gets imprinted with sanskars relating to the external surroundings and circumstances as also the way of thinking of the people around it. Now, one’s behaviour depends on one’s thinking which in turn depends on one’s vision while one’s vision gets molded by one’s sanskars. The conscious mind is fickle and there is a constant flux of fickle, emotional – emotion-induced or emotion-producing - thoughts in the conscious mind. The sanskars relating to emotional thoughts having a strong influence settle down in the subconscious mind as deep-seated feelings. A man’s nature or temperament gets molded due to deep-seated feelings that intensify progressively. It is said that, a man’s temperament has no cure, is only a half-truth because while we have no cure for another person’s temperament the cure for our temperament is always with us. Right from childhood, a person’s mind gets imprinted with passion-related sanskars which intensify over a period of time in a mental journey from ‘temptation to rage’. Why man gets entangled in maya? What is maya? However, man’s ‘self’ or ego weaves a web around himself like a spider but unlike a spider, man gets entangled and trapped in his own web. Man is trying to probe and unravel the origin of the most microscopic organisms on the one hand and the origin of the Universe on the other. But when will he experience and savor the path that leads to his own, contented, tension-free and blissful state of mind?